

めったにインタヴューに応じない人らしいが、つい先日英国ガーディアン紙が行ったホーキング博士とのインタヴューが記事になっている。(Stephen Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story.'


You had a health scare and spent time in hospital in 2009. What, if anything, do you fear about death?
I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first. I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.


キリスト教からは当然反論が起こる。特に「復活」をキリスト教信仰の中核と見る者にとっては、ホーキング博士のこの言は中途半端で満足行く議論ではない。(例、Ross McKenzie

またキリスト者かどうか分からないが「イエスの復活」の事実(可能)性から反論している方もおられる。この方はホーキング博士と同じ病気を持つ人であるが、インタヴューが短い会話にならざるを得ず、ホーキング博士が必ずしも言いたいことを尽くしているとは思っていないが、妥当な反論を試みている。(一読者のコメント、I'd stake my life that Stephen Hawking is wrong about heaven
Strangely enough, my theory that there is a form of life after we die is not some sort of wishful thinking. It's based on evidence. If the brain is a computer, then, when I was studying where Stephen Hawking now teaches, I came on a mass of data of which the most convincing, the neatest, explanation was that death is not the end of life. It wasn't the most comfortable nor most obvious of conclusions, but the forensic case was forceful and beautiful, providing "simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations". The best exposition I found was by the then director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in London, Professor Sir Norman Anderson, in The Evidence for the Resurrection (later republished as part of Jesus Christ: The Witness of History). My disturbing conclusion was that, if it happened once, as seemed beyond reasonable doubt, then I needed to revise my whole world view. What you see is not all you get.

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