



(1) マックス・ヴェーバーの歴史的比較宗教学アプローチ、と
(2) American Nationalism, 1880-1945 の文献リスト

(1) マックス・ヴェーバーの歴史的比較宗教学アプローチ
    1. Weber's comparative method has sometimes been accused of being inappropriate for Asian cultural settings. Has Bellah's Tokugawa Religion disproved this assertion?
    2. Has the modern development of religion in Asia since the time of Weber discredited his approach or reaffirmed it?
    3. Using Weber's classic attempt to compare the religions of India, China and that of Protestantism show how these studies illustrate a historical-comparative method. Mention what you find as the strongest point in Weber's analyses and what you find as weakest methodologically.
    4. How useful do you think Weber's "historical-comparative method" is for studies across cultures in the contemporary world? State what you consider to be the major adverse criticisms and positive evaluations of Weber, in each case identifying the view with one or more particular thinkers.
    5. Contrast the method of Jurgen Habermas as a historical-comparative method to explain the rationalization of modern society with that of: 1) Max Weber and 2) Michel Fouchault.
    6. At one point, R. H. Tawney accused Weber of substituting "theological determinism" for "economic determinism." Comment on the meaning of Tawney's charge. Provide a careful discussion of the extent to which you think there is validity to this criticism of Weber.



(2) American Nationalism, 1880-1945 の文献リスト
   Alexander, Charles C. Nationalism in American Thought, 1930-1945. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1969.
   Arieli, Yehoshua. Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology. Cambridge, Mass.; Harvard University Press, 1964.
   Burns, Edward McNall. The American Idea of Mission. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1957.
   Eastman, Fred. "Your Flag and My Flag, A Responsive Reading for National Holidays." Christian Century 48 (May 13, 1931): 651-2.
   Gabriel, Ralph Henry. The Course of American Democratic Thought. New York: Ronald Press, 1940.
   Handlin, Oscar. Race and Nationality in American Life. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957; reprint ed. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1957.
   Hayes, Carlton J. H. Essays on Nationalism. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1926.
   Higham, John. Strangers in the Land. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1955; reprint ed. New York: Atheneum, 1969.
   Kohn, Hans. American Nationalism. New York: Collier Books, 1961.
   Manwaring, David Roger. Render Unto Caesar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962.
   May, Henry F. The End of American Innocence. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959; reprint ed. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, Inc., 1964.
   Merk, Frederick. Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History. New York: Vintage Books, 1963.
   Niebuhr, H. Richard. The Kingdom of God in America. New York: Harper & Row, 1937.
   Noble, David W. Historians Against History. Minneapolis: University of Minesota Press, 1965.
   Nye, Russel B. This Almost Chosen People. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press, 1966.
   Schlesinger, Arthur M. A Critical Period in American Religion, 1875-1900. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1967.
   Stokes, Aronson Phelps, and Pfeffer, Leo., eds. Church and State in the United States. New York: Harper & Row, 1964. PP.120-1 and 124-5.
   Takaki, Ronald T. Iron Cages. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979.
   Tuveson, Ernest Lee. Redeemer Nation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968.
   Weinberg, Albert K. Manifest Destiny. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1958.


米国ではちょうど大統領候補指名予備選の最中で、移民問題がクローズアップしているが、異なる時代に異なる人種や宗教をもとにした排斥運動が繰り返されてきた歴史があるので、この文献リストの中の John Higham のものなどはまだ現役で読めるものだと思う。

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